Friday, 9 June 2017

The RESULTS of the questionnaire

Hi readers I check the results of the questionnaire and this are the answers!

Monday, 5 June 2017


Hi readers!

I have finished my questionnaire, so answer it!

Friday, 26 May 2017


Hi readers!
 I had finished my picture dictionary! I chose the animal's topic because is my favourite one. This book is for children to learn names of animals. Using images of internet we are learning how to use them legaly. Do you know that if you use an google or internet image without the permision of the autor you are using an image ilegaly? Because of that we are taking legal images. I take the pics from Pixabay, in this web all the pictures are pu lic and you can use them without asking permision... 
So hope you like it!

Animals Picture Dictionary Luma

Monday, 22 May 2017

Own structure

Hi readers!

Today I had finished my own TinkerCad, we are doing our own structures and I chose to do glasses!
Hope you like it, bye!

Monday, 8 May 2017

TinkerCad, House

Hello readers!
As I said before this post, we are using TinkerCad.
Today we had to finish the structure of one house, so I put here the screenshot of it!

Friday, 5 May 2017

TinkerCad swimming pool

Hi again!
After this post I said that he started working with a new app called TinkerCad and we are doing structures. Today we had to do this swimming pool.
So hope you like it! Thank you!

My first TinkerCad

In Tuesday we started using the aplication called tinekard, wich is an app in where you can work with 3D desings.
We had to copy an structure from the screenshots of the teacher. Here I put images of the copied stucture:

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Fashion Panda (website)

Hi readers!
At this months we were doing websites; one student one website. We had to do an online shop about the topic that we chose.

I decide to do a cloth shop for young boys and girls. Its name is Fashion Panda.
You will find there every type of cloths; jackets, shirts, dresses, pants, shoes, shorts... and also accesories!

But... apart from deciding the type of shop, we had to do all the pages of one website; Home, FAQ, Location... and all those cloth pages like; pants, shirts... 
Here you have an screenshot of all the different pages of my website.

Also we had to modify the page and add an own design. I also added the pictures of the cloths and the prices.
FInally I did a location map of the shop.

I hope you like it and thank you, bye!

Friday, 13 January 2017

Adverts that invite us to eat unhealthy food.

Hi readers, how are you?
Today we do a padlet and we include an advert that invite us to eat unhealthy food.
We do the work at pears and I'm with my partner Leire. You can check she's blog "Leire's blog".
So, we put one pizza's ad that catch us and we hope you like it.
Thank you!

Hecho con Padlet

Friday, 23 December 2016

Ways to entertain at this Christmas.

Hello readers!

Today, our teacher proposes to write a post recommending to our readers a film to watch, a book to read and a video / computer / mobile game to play at this Christmas holidays. We can make our own combinations like recommending 2 movies and 1 book, 1 book and 2 games ... But I will write about the three options, so, I will recommend a film, a book and a game to take into account all the different pleasures of all my readers.
I hope you will like my choices.

Resultado de imagen de Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemThe film that I choose is “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” I have watch it around 2 weeks ago and I liked so much. Talks about the magical creatures in the Harry Potter universe.
I think that is the most appropriate film to watch in the Christmas holidays, because you will see every time magic, and I think that the magic is related to Christmas.
 If you had never watched a Harry Poter's film don't worry, I have never watched any of them, and I understood the film. The film is very complete, it has magic, it has comedy, it has suspense... 

Imagen relacionada

The books that I select are of the "Nur" ones, this books are to children, around of 10 years. This books are writen by Toti Martinez de Lezea, she has 12 books of Nur. Nur is the protagonist of the book, she is a little girl of 10 years.
 All are adventure and fantasy books. One can be about Nur with an elf, another of Nur in a mysterious jungle, or in a temple of a dragon etc. These Toti books are written from the point of view of the sweet girl Nur.

 I read 6 of them to much years ago, but I liked them very much and I have a good remembrance.

Resultado de imagen de the game 2048

Finally, in the game selection I choose the game "2048". 2048 is a single-player sliding block puzzle game. The game's objective is to slide numbered tiles on a grid to combine them to create a tile with the number 2048. The game is very basic, but it's not easy to win. It's very entertaining and you can play with it in the computer, in the mobile-phone or in a tablet... I play very much in this game.
Come on, test it!

                            THAN YOU, I HOPE THAT YOU HAVE LIKED THE POST:

Friday, 16 December 2016

Hi my readers!

We are working in the project that I have to share with you, the project talks about the violence against women, what is, the types of violence, the consequences... So, we do a campaign in the 25th of November, the day against violence against women, to conscience people about this situation of the society. We want to disappear the violence in this world, help us!

Friday, 18 November 2016

Harold Pinter

Today, we are taking information about some Nobel prize winners. I have to do it about the winners of 2005. I just select Harold Pinter, due to, I like the literature and the arts and he is very communicated with that.Resultado de imagen de harold pinter photos
Born in London in 1930, Harold Pinter is a renowned playwright and screenwriter, also he is a famous actor and writer. His plays are particularly famous for their use of understatement to convey characters' thoughts and feelings. In 2005, Pinter was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He also won other prizes apart from the noble prize of 2005, the Companion of Honour in 2002, the Légion d'honneur in 2007, the David Cohen Prize in 1995 and the Laurence Olivier Award in 1996. 

Pinter was born and raised in Hackney, east London, and educated at Hackney Downs School. He was a sprinter and a keen cricket player, acting in school plays and writing poetry. He attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art but did not complete the course. Harold was fined for refusing National service as a conscientious objector. Subsequently, he continued training at the Central School of Speech and Drama and worked in repertory theatre in Ireland and England.

Resultado de imagen de harold pinter photos without copyrightPinter's career as a playwright began with a production of The Room in 1957. His second play, The Birthday Party, closed after eight performances, but was enthusiastically reviewed by critic Harold Hobson. His early works were described by critics as "comedy of menace". Later plays such as No Man's Land (1975) and Betrayal (1978) became known as "memory plays". He appeared as an actor in productions of his own work on radio and film. He also undertook a number of roles in works by other writers. He directed nearly 50 productions for stage, theatre and screen. Pinter received over 50 awards, prizes, and other honours, including the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2005 and the French Légion d'honneur in 2007.

I hope that you have liked my new post, thank you!

Friday, 4 November 2016

Mindmap work

Hello readers!

This time, we have doing a work that consists in doing a scheme including images, colors, notes etc. So, we are learning to use the mindmap application. Because of that, we had to choose one topic and I chose the animals one. I selected that topic because I love animals, also, I think that is very interesting and very basic, so the understanding it is very easy. I include pictures of all the type of animals, and I also put notes in all of them as I said before.

Hope you like it!

Here is the link

Monday, 24 October 2016


Resultado de imagen de technologyWe usually use social websites like; Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Tuenti ... but we never stop thinking about the advantages, disadvantages and dangers that they can cause. Because of that, I think that is important to talk about these aspects, so today I will write about my own reflections.

Resultado de imagen de adiccion a las redes socialesA social website has so many advantages, for example; it entertains you, it is a very important source of information, you can share your pictures with other people, you can communicate with friends that are not in your town or country... etc
They are very useful, but they also have disadvantages, for example; you can become dependent of the social websites, they can make an addiction, affects in the human relationships, and always you have the security and privacy risk.

Lately, so many people say that they have a "distance friend", a person that doesn't live in your town, country or continent but you have a relationship with she/he by a social website.
Resultado de imagen de virtual friendsIt's very different to have a traditional friend and a friend in Instagram, Facebook... Due to, with a traditional friend you can meet, you know that is real and his/her real reactions in different situations. Instead, with a friend in Instagram, Facebook... you can’t meet, you don’t know if it is real or not and you don’t know how are his/her real reactions in different situation.

I guarantee my privacy in social websites by don't telling my password and much information about my private things to anybody, make my account private, and finally, I don’t accept strange people.

If I would make a suggestion to the owners of these websites, I will tell them to create a new option based in to prevent people make the request to be your "friend" or follower, so you click the button and the other people can’t send you the request. Without the necessity to block he/she.

Resultado de imagen de cyberbullying There is a big danger in this type of websites; the cyberbullying. The cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Parents and kids can prevent cyberbullying. Together, they can explore safe ways to use technology.

I hope you liked my post and you learn more!

Friday, 30 September 2016


 In my opinion, Barcelona is one of the best places. Two or three years ago I travelled there and I hope to go back again.
Today, I will offer you some information about Barcelona and I will explain my own reasons to love it.

Resultado de imagen de barcelona
At first, Barcelona is the capital city of the autonomous community of Catalonia.
It has a population of 1,6 milion.

Resultado de imagen de barcelona
According to the culture, it has a big variety of pleasures.
For example, in arts are many venues for live music and theatre.
In media, they have many newspapers.
 In sports, it has also hosted, among others, about 30 sports events of international significance. It has a very famous futbol team called FC Barcelona.

Crema catalana con carameloThe crema catalana is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a contrasting layer of hard caramel. It is normally served at room temperature. It is one of the most tipical food in the gastronomy of Catalonia.

Resultado de imagen de park güell modernista

The best place I visited in Barcelona was the
Park Güell. Was made by Güell and Gaudí.

You feel like you're in a fairytale place and it is a reflection of the modernism of that time.

Resultado de imagen de castell torre humana barcelona
The castell is a human tower built traditionally in festivals at many locations within Catalonia. At these festivals, several colles castelleres (group of people who do these towers) often succeed in building and dismantling a tower's structure.
It is awesome to see a human giant tower with so many people in front of you... This is the thing that most amazes me in the culture of Catalonia.

And this is the information that I want you to know, I hope you liked this post, and thank you for reading it.

Here I put the links of the sites where I took this information:    (Barcelona's population and culture)  (Park Güell) (Castell) (Crema Catalana)

Monday, 19 September 2016


My name is Luma and I'm a student from Laskorain Ikastola.
We are creating our own blog to upload  works, interesant information about things we like...

So, hope you like it!